The following activities of the Dandenong Christadelphians are held on the days and times shown. If you’d like to participate, please just turn up – but it would be very handy to know ahead of time if you intend bringing any children to Sunday School.

Evening Bible Class

Alternate Wednesday evenings at 8pm

Have some Bible knowledge but keen to go more in depth? Join our enthusiastic bunch of people at our Heritage College venue for evenings of exploration. We can help you find answers to your puzzling questions, expose Bible threads of interest and delve deeper into God’s Word.

Classes vary from week to week, but can include presentations, discussion or workshops. We enjoy supper together after the class.

No need to register, just turn up on the night!

Sunday School

Sundays from 11.30am – 12.30pm
Let your children explore the best book in the world in the safety of our Sunday School classes. The best-selling book, the Bible, is the basis for all classes, which are designed for a range of ages.
Your children will be able to enjoy songs, drama, activity and colouring sheets to go with each lesson. Classes are small so each child can receive individual attention.
Parents, you can stay on site for the New Life Class at the same time – learn about the Bible as a family!

Please don’t hesitate to bring your child along for a trial lesson.

Memorial Meeting

Sundays from 10.00am – 11.20am
The memorial service is the time when we meet to remember the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. During the service, baptised members share bread and wine, which remind us of the body and blood of Jesus.
This follows the example he set in the upper room just before his death. Jesus commanded believers to take bread and wine in remembrance of him (Luke 22:19-20; I Cor 11:23-26) and as such we consider it the most important part of our week.
Just as the first century ecclesia did(Acts 20:7), we meet in remembrance on the first day of each week.